Our MissionWe are here to help the online business store owners and e-commerce enthusiasts, as well as an online buyers who are frustrated by automated, impersonal and costly online shopping sites that put up barriers between buyers and sellers bring success to your ultimate FREE online business venue connect shoppers and sellers help Buyers get their bargain and Sellers keep their profit be a part of our online global fairs and events!On Verzilla you can: Create your Free online Store and showcase your products Upload and manage your products Track your sales/purchases Initiate Events and invite your fellow sellers and buyers - coming soon! Promote your products by creating your Posts Use verzilla email marketing features to send your newsletters and updates to your potential customers - coming soon Use "Highlights" section feature for discussions and updates Offer discounts and promotions to your potential buyers by creating and sending discount coupons instantly And, ultimately: Make More Money by "sharing less walls"